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Welcome to the Laboratory for Orthopaedic Technology

Our society faces the growing challenge of an ageing population, compounded by ever-increasing expectations for an active lifestyle well into our senior years. Generally, in most countries the number of citizens over the age of 65 is expected to double by 2030.

Musculoskeletal diseases are associated with a high morbidity and place a disproportionate economic burden on our healthcare system.

To meet this challenge, the ETH established a Professor of Orthopaedic Technologies in Ageing in 2011.At the center of this professorship is an interdisciplinary research group focused on the development of technologies that will provide an insight into joint and tissue biomechanics, and movement and loading patterns, in order to understand disease processes and work towards new treatments.

News & Events

Article featured in Bone Volume 120

Election ESB President

2nd Lab and Networking Event


ETH Pioneer Fellowship

ETH Medal for Thomas Zumbrunn

Best Young Investigators Podium Award

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